Access Doors and PanelsAir BarriersCementitious GroutingCold-Formed Metal TrussesDampproofing and WaterproofingEpoxy GroutingFacility Maintenance and Operation EquipmentFirestoppingFurnishings and AccessoriesGroutingMaterial StorageMetal Floor PlatesMetal GratingsNon-Shrink GroutingOther EquipmentRentals/Sales - EquipmentSafety EquipmentSafety SuppliesSafety TrainingSlotted Channel FramingSupplies - Industrial Maintenance & RepairSupplies - MetalsThermal/Moisture ProtectionTraffic Control
Edge Construction Supply (new name for Safway Supply) has been serving the commercial construction and industrial markets for more than 70 years. We are dedicated to continuing the tradition of provid